The State of Sustainable Advertising, in Partnership with Scope3

Listen to a discussion about the ins and outs of measuring emissions and why we’re confident the industry now has exactly what it needs to swiftly reduce its carbon footprint.

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Sustainable advertising is now a vibrant, active movement. And that’s important because for the first time, success extends far beyond our ecosystem. We’re striving to build a better ad ecosystem to not only improve advertising but also to create a healthy planet and a decarbonised economy. With all this momentum around building a sustainable future, the question we must now answer is evident: can we chart a direct path to how what we do actually impacts emissions reduction in a meaningful way? In this podcast, Anne Coghlan, COO and Co-Founder of Scope3, discusses the ins and outs of measuring emissions and why we’re confident the industry now has exactly what it needs to swiftly reduce its carbon footprint.

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